: Random matrix generator (appeared in the book). : Determinant polynomials generator (appeared in the book). : Matrix inversion with the Gaussian elimination scheme (appeared in the book). : Linear equation set solved with the Gaussian elimination scheme (appeared in the book). : Determinant evaluated with the Gaussian elimination scheme (appeared in the book). : The partial pivoting Gaussian elimination scheme (appeared in the book). : Eigenvalue problem of the 1D Schroedinger equation. : Simplest algorithm for the Sturm-Liouville equation (appeared in the book). : Boundary-value problem solved with the shooting method (appeared in the book, with minor modifications). : Pendulum solved with the fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm (appeared in the book).
: Simplest predictor-corrector scheme (appeared in the book). : Two-dimensional percolation (appeared in the book). : Gaussian random number generator (appeared in the book). : Exponential random number generator (appeared in the book). : Uniform random number generator (appeared in the book). : Classical scattering (appeared in the book). : Bond length of NaCl (appeared in the book). : Root Search with the secant method (appeared in the book). : Root Search with the Newton method (appeared in the book). : Root Search with the bisection method (appeared in the book). : Integration with the Simpson rule (appeared in the book). : Derivatives with the three-point formulas (appeared in the book). : Millikan experiment with a direct linear fit. : Millikan experiment fit (appeared in the book).
: Orthogonal polynomials generator (appeared in the book). : Lagrange interpolation with the upward/downward correction method. To run the code following programs should be included: euler22m.f, rk4_d22.f, rkf45.f. The program can run calculations in one of the following methods: modified Euler, Runge-Kutta 4th order, and Fehlberg fourth-fifth order Runge-Kutta method. Finding the roots of an equation using BISECTION method. PROGRAMS WRITTEN IN FORTRAN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. : Lagrange interpolation with the Aitken method (appeared in the book). : One-dimensional motion under a harmonic force (appeared in the book). No warranties, express or implied, are made for any materials at this site. Most programs listed here have appeared in the book (as indicated), which are copyrighted by Cambridge University Press.
Fortran 77 Programs Fortran 77 Programs Related to the Book Book Title: Author: Publisher: Publication Place: New York Publication Date: September, 1997 ISBN's: 3-0 (hardback) 2-4 (paperback) List Prices: $110 (hardback) $42.95 (paperback) Other Info: 393 Pages 7 x 10 30 Line Diagrams 5 Tables 94 Exercises Bibliography and Index Please Note: