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(Responsiveness) If you have specific questions that are not answered by the material that we disclose here, or in the linked resources, we will address your concerns directly.(Responsiveness) How responsive do you think this company was to information requests, issues, or problems that arose in the course of the transaction?.A responsive yo-yo will come up immediately, and an unresponsive one won’t come back up at all. (Responsiveness) How easily a yo-yo will come back up when you tug on the string.In order to support this philosophy, an account-manager system has been established, whereby one person assumes full responsibility for all aspects of customer support for an account. (Responsiveness) Electronic Concepts is a "key account" oriented company.(RESPONSIVENESS) Café Concepts has established a precedent in terms of customer satisfaction, that encompasses and combines our ideas and experience, together with broad customer feedback.(Responsiveness) The ability of an instrument to detect clinically important change over time.(Responsiveness) Generally, a comparative measurement of the time taken to respond to a particular stimulus.(Responsively) In fiber optics, ratio of photodetector's electrical output to its optical input in Amperes/Watt.Answering, replying or responding Able to receive and respond to external stimuli Using antiphons antiphonal Susceptible to the feelings of others.It is one of the criteria under the principle of robustness (from a usability principle). the rate of communication with the system). The responsiveness of an interactive system describes how quickly it responds to user input (i.e.